5 Key Tips to Create the Perfect CV

Wondering why you are not getting placed in a company? Or most importantly, why are you getting even an interview call? The answer is not that tricky as some people make it be. The most probable reason why you are not getting any interview calls is that you don’t have a good CV. Make no mistake, when it comes to applying for a job, a resume is your ticket or the initial step to get an interview.

But how do you make sure that your application stays in the interview shortlist rather than a reject pile?

Putting together a good resume isn’t rocket science; all you need to know is the basic principles on how to take all your experience and skill and tailoring them according to a job criterion.

Get the basics accurate

Before going into the complexities, it’s advisable to get the absolute basics right. These basics usually include personal information, educational qualification, work history, hobbies and references. These are the things which the prospective employees will look at first which is why you should get these things right.

Presentation is a key element

Job application should never be just about information but whether this information is presented in the right way or not. A CV should always be prepared on a crisp white paper. Also, such application should never be folded. When a prospective employer first views your application, they will notice the upper middle part of the paper instantly. Precisely for this reason, make sure that you put your most important information there.

Stick to two A4 size page

No one has the time to turn every page of your application one by one. Precisely for this reason, make sure that your application is of A4 size and is no more than two pages. But don’t leave out any vital information. The trick is to have all the information needed but in a more precise manner.

Make sure you understand the job criteria

Before applying for a job, make sure to read the job description from start to finish. If the job description wants a candidate with certain qualities and you fail to highlight those qualities in your application, you won’t get an interview call. Understand the criteria and then prepare the application accordingly. For instance, if the job is for a sales position, make sure to highlight your experience in sales.

Update your application

With time, every individual learns new skills and gains more professional experience but not everyone keeps them on track. It is highly imperative to update your professional bio-data from time to time so that prospective employees easily track your experience and skill level.